A candidate completing the “Standard” level of training under this programme shall possess advanced knowledge of welding and inspection theory and application. This knowledge base will enable the candidate to perform the following tasks (in addition to the IWI-B):
- Supervise the activities of the IWI-B;
- Develop and provide instructions to IWI-B;
- Develop, comment and review Quality Control Plans and Inspection and Testing Plans based on product standards, codes, specifications, drawings and regulatory requirements;
- Verify the compliance of WQPRs and WPSs and welder qualifications and approvals against the applicable standards, codes and specifications for conventional applications (e.g. arc welding processes, steels, aluminum alloys – see Section 1 for detailed information);
- Verify the compliance of PWHT specifications against the applicable standards, codes and specifications;
- Verify the compliance of raw materials and consumables against the applicable standards, codes and specifications;
- Verify the compliance of raw materials and consumables certificates against the applicable standards, codes and specifications;
- Take decisions on acceptance of quality documents related to welding fabrication (e.g. NDT, material testing, production testing, etc.);
- Take decisions based on quality documents (e.g. NDT, material testing, production testing, etc.) according to the requirements defined for the construction;
- Verify radiographic films quality adequacy (no interpretation);
- Identify and verify the relevant NDT techniques for a welded construction; and
- Report on all the above actions.